• 36號鞋 us size    相關企業商業資訊
    1. 歐達普科技有限公司

      ... TVs, and Touch Monitors, to worldwide markets. We currently stock popular sizes, such as 14”, 15”, 17”, 19” and 20”, LCD products. In the future, we will range other sizes when the markets demand.

      電話:03-4616918    地址:桃園縣中壢市南園路2之38號
    2. 統宇電研股份有限公司

      ...r DC/DC converters for portable equipment, mobile computers (PDA, Notebook size personal computers), AV- equipment (DVD, LCD television sets, Digital cameras), Power supply for VTR, OA equipment, Small size communication equipment.

      電話:03-4228279    地址:桃園縣中壢市環北路398號9F之3
    3. DO"US汽車零件車工廠商


      電話:02-29666053    地址:新北市板橋區瑞安街37號2樓
    4. 傳達國際有限公司

      ...3C產品包膜、水鑽貼飾技術移轉 ●彩色保護膜印表機(A3 size/A4 size) ●手機包膜/筆電包膜專用保護膜 (透明膜/彩色膜/素色膜/珍珠膜/碳纖維膜/可列印彩色膜/紋路膜) ●手機包膜/筆電包膜專用金蒔繪浮雕貼 ●筆電專用...

      電話:02-23415528    地址:台北市中正區忠孝東路2段121巷18號1樓
    5. 尚郁企業有限公司

      ...ps, and medical instruments. We also deal with healthy instruments, small- sized machinery and small-size slow down motors. With the concept of high technology, high efficiency and high quality, all of our products meet worldwide standards and win a great reputation in the field. We market our produ...

      電話:04-25630049    地址:台中市中區神岡區中山路667巷26弄25號

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